While components can be generated in any folder desired. There is a core structure to Printer that is for the most part guided. The only thing up to discretion are the components and media assets.
λ Type interfaces generate in the types folder.
λ types/[name].tsx
λ Slices get generated in the redux/slice folder
λ redux/slice/[name].tsx
λ Pages get generated in the app folder
λ app/[name]/page.tsx
λ API Routes get generated in the app/api folder
λ app/api/[name]/route.tsx
If you're adding slices to a Printer project. It is recommended you use the Printer slice command. In any event where you're importing slices from somewhere else. You will need to update the reducers.json file in order for Printer's auto generation code to work properly. The slice command will not include the slice in the reducer imports elsewise.
λ You need to manually update reducers.json if importing a slice
λ redux/reducers.json
λ Use Printer if possible and then import business logic to the new slice
λ printer slice [name]